Discord Rules

Welcome to the Broken Respawn Community Discord! As with all Discord servers, read and agree to the below rules which will unlock access to the rest of the channels.

1. Be Respectful

Race, Religion, Creed, Gender and Personal Beliefs are all welcome, anyone found to be ridiculing these or others will be banned from the discord without question. Please be aware that these can all be triggering subjects and we may ask you to cease a line of conversation if it has potential to cause offence/conflict.

2. Discuss. Don’t Attack

Conversations get heated, it happens. If it does then excuse yourself from the discussion. The golden rule to remember is that you are discussing a TOPIC, not a PERSON. If at any point you stop arguing against their topic/point and start arguing against their person, you will be banned.

3. NSFW Content

We DO NOT have a NSFW Content channel – there is a reason for this. Posting NSFW content will result in a warning, repeat offence will see you removed from the server.

4. Don’t Be a Dick

Everyone in this Discord is here to relax and have a good time, if you’re not, leave.