Its time to reveal some of what we’ve been working on in the background! Its been a while getting to where we are, and theres definitely more that is happening in the future as things go on, but its time to reveal what we’ve been planning.
Welcome to the Broken Respawn Community! SarinTal, CaedesEnder, and myself (TBSliver) are merging our discords together to become the best place to come together and hang out, talk about games, hobbies, and anything else which interests us. No more will you need to be in Caedes discord for Monster Hunter, Sarins discord for Star Wars, and mine for random Gaming News. Everything is in one place, easily accessible, and allows us to do bigger and better projects and events.
But where is this Discord Community? Well, if you were already in my Discord, then congratulations, you are already there! However if you were in Sarin or Caedes discord, you will have to jump over. Dont worry if it takes you some time, its not a rush, but it would be great to see you over here!
Now, I hear some of you say, what about Lucian? Due to the nature of their discord containing, and being a large part of their story universe, it would be a detriment to their content to merge in. This means that for all things Lucian specific, you will find that over in their discord – just follow the links on his Twitch & Youtube channels.
But wait, there’s more! With the merging of the communities, and with support from my original community, we now have our own Dedicated Gaming Server!
Initial game servers to be hosted on here will be the Satisfactory Server from Caedes Community, A copy of the V Rising server you have seen on stream between myself, Sarin and Lucian, and maybe a Valheim server for us to chill out on. Want more? Please suggest them in the discord! We have the ability to spin up almost any server (assuming they have one available in public) for the community to use.
The details for these will be posted in the discord, and are available for any community member to use. Obviously, the Discord Rules will apply in the servers as well, so please play nice!
Other things migrating over are some events. The weekly Coop night on a Sunday will be continuing, with us currently focusing on Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, however its mainly a reason to just hang out and play games so if you havent got that, feel free to drop in anyway and chat.
We will also be looking at running a monthly Game Night, so stay tuned to the Announcements Channel for more information on that.
There is probably a load of things that I’ve forgotten to mention, but on behalf of Sarin, Caedes and Myself,